Package 'rpanel'

Title: Simple Interactive Controls for R using the 'tcltk' Package
Description: A set of functions to build simple GUI controls for R functions. These are built on the 'tcltk' package. Uses could include changing a parameter on a graph by animating it with a slider or a "doublebutton", up to more sophisticated control panels. Some functions for specific graphical tasks, referred to as 'cartoons', are provided.
Authors: Bowman, Bowman, Gibson and Crawford
Maintainer: Adrian Bowman <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.1-5.2
Built: 2025-03-01 05:52:52 UTC

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Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package


rpanel provides a set of functions to build simple GUI controls for R functions. Uses include changing a parameter on a graph (and animating it) with a slider, or a "doublebutton", up to more sophisticated mini-applications. In addition to functions which create controls, a number of ‘cartoon’ functions built on these controls are also available.


Package: rpanel
Type: Package
Version: 1.1-5
Date: 2021-09-02
License: GNU

This package contains a number of functions (with help and examples) and several example scripts.

Cartoon functions

rp.gulls: An interactive problem-solving exercise on deciding the sex of a herring gull Confidence intervals
rp.anova: Analysis of variance
rp.ancova: Analysis of covariance
rp.power: Power calculations for a two-sample t-test
rp.normal: Fitting a normal distribution to a single sample
rp.rmplot: Plotting of repeated measurement data
rp.tables: Interactive statistical tables
rp.regression: Regression with one or two covariates
rp.plot3d: Interactive display of a plot of three variables
rp.plot4d: Interactive display of a plot of four variables
rp.spacetime: A version of rp.plot4d designed for space-time data
rp.likelihood: Exploration of one and two parameter likelihood functions
rp.logistic: Interactive display of logistic regression with a single covariate
rp.cartoons: A menu-driven set of rpanel illustrations
rp.geosim: Simulation of spatial processes
rp.mururoa: Sampling in Mururoa Atoll
rp.firth: Sampling in a firth
rp.surface: Displaying the uncertainty in an estimate of a surface

Functions to create individual controls

rp.control: create an rpanel
rp.slider: add a slider to a panel, to graphically control a numeric variable
rp.textentry: adds a box allows text to be entered
rp.button: adds a button to the panel with a nominated function called on pressing
rp.checkbox: adds a checkbox to the panel, to control a logical variable
rp.radiogroup: adds a set of radiobuttons to the panel
rp.listbox: adds a listbox to the panel
rp.combo: adds a combo box to the panel
rp.doublebutton: adds a widget with '+' and '-' buttons, to increment and decrement a variable adds a menu to the panel
rp.text: adds a text box to the panel
rp.image: adds an image to the panel; the action function is called with coordinates on clicking
rp.line: draws a line connecting the pixel locations x1, y1 to x2, y2 on the specified rp.image
rp.deleteline: removes a line from an rp.image
rp.clearlines: removes all lines from an rp.image
rp.messagebox: displays a message in a pop-up window
rp.tkrplot: calls Luke Tierney's tkrplot function to allow R graphics to be displayed in a panel
rp.tkrreplot: calls Luke Tierney's tkrreplot functions to allow R graphics to be refreshed in a panel.
rp.timer: executes an action function repeatedly until a condition is satisfied
rp.block: blocks use of the R console until a panel is closed
rp.panel: returns a named panel or the most recently created panel
rp.var.put: place an object into the rpanel environment, usually within a panel
rp.var.get: retrieve an object from the rpanel environment, usually from a panel
rp.pos: a demonstration function for layout control
rp.grid: a grid system for layout control executes a nominated user defined callback function
rp.colour.key: a colour key to associate with a plot

Generally speaking these functions have a parameter, name, which is used to later delete or modify a widget.


E. Crawford & A. Bowman

Maintainer: Adrian Bowman <[email protected]>


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also



## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Intervals between the failure of air-conditioning equipment in aircraft


These data, reported by Proschan (1963, Technometrics 5, 375-383), refer to the intervals, in service-hours, between failures of the air-conditioning equipment in a Boeing 720 aircraft. (Proschan reports data on 10 different aircraft. The data from only one of the aircraft is used here. Cox and Snell (1981, Applied Statistics: principles and examples, Chapman and Hall, London) discuss the analysis of the data on all 10 aircraft.)

The dataset consists of a single vector of data. They are used in the rp.likelihood example script.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 
   rp.likelihood("sum(log(dexp(data, theta)))", aircond, 0.005, 0.03)
   rp.likelihood("sum(log(dgamma(data, theta[1], theta[2])))",
        aircond, c(0.3, 0.005), c(3, 0.06))

## End(Not run)

Water quality in the River Clyde


These data record the water quality, in terms of dissolved oxygen (DO) on a percentage scale, at a number of sampling stations (Station) on the River Clyde. The date (Day, \codeMonth, Year) is also available, along with the day of the year (Doy between 1 and 365) and an identified (id) of the survey on which each measurement was made.

The data are used in the rp.plot4d example script.

The data were kindly provided by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, with the assistance of Dr. Brian Miller.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 
  with(Clyde, {
    rp.plot4d(cbind(Doy, DO), Station, location.plot = FALSE)
    rp.plot4d(cbind(Station, DO), Doy, location.plot = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

Giving in the Church of England


These data record the average annual giving in pounds per church member in the dioceses of the Church of England in the early 1980's. Three potentially relevant covariates are also recorded for each diocese, namely the percentage of the population who are employed, the percentage of the population on the electoral roll of the church and the percentage of the population who usually attend church. Background details are available in Pickering (1985; Applied Economics 17, 619-32).

The data are used in the rp.regression example script.


Pickering, J.F. (1985). Giving in the Church of England: an econometric analysis. Applied Economics 17, 619-632.


## Not run: 
  with(CofE, {
    rp.regression(cbind(Employ, Attend), Giving)

## End(Not run)

The weights of herring gulls captured at different times of year


These data are part of a large sample collected by Prof. P. Monaghan of the University of Glasgow in a study of the weight changes in herring gulls throughout the year. Some birds were caught in June (coded as month 1) and others in December (month 2). Since weight is dependent on the size of the bird this information is recorded in the form of the head and bill length, hab (in mm), the distance from the back of the head to the tip of the bill.

The data are used in the rp.ancova example script.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 
   with(gullweight, {
     rp.ancova(hab, weight, month)
## End(Not run)

Repeated measurements on leutinizing hormone in cows


These data, reported by Raz(1989, Biometrics 54, 851-71) refer to an experiment which compared the concentrations of leutinizing hormone (LH) in 16 suckled and 16 non-suckled cows. Measurements were made daily from day 1 through to day 4 postpartum, and twice daily from day 5 through to day 10 postpartum. The cows were ovariectomised on day 5 postpartum.

The first column of the dataset defines the group (1 - non-suckled, 2 - suckled) while the remaining columns give the LH values at the successive recording times.

The data are used in the rp.rmplot example script.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 
   LH <- luthor[,2:16]
   gp     <- factor(luthor[,1])
   times  <- c(1:5,(5+(1:10)/2))
   rp.rmplot(log(LH), fac = gp, timept = times)
## End(Not run)

Survival times of animals subjected to different poisons and treatment


These data record the survival times (in units of 10 hours) of animals in a 3 x 4 factorial experiment. Four animals were allocated to each combination of three poisons and four treatments, using a randomisation procedure.

The data are used in the rp.anova example script.

The data were reported in the paper by Box and Cox (1964) referenced below.


Box, GEP and Cox, DR (1964), An analysis of transformations. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B - Statistical Methodology, 26, 211-252.

rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 
  with(poisons, {
    rp.anova(1/stime, treatment, poison)

## End(Not run)

Temperature and DO threshold in the River Clyde


These data record the water temperature at a sampling station on the River Clyde, together with an indicator of whether (1) or not (0) the concentration of dissolved oxygen fell below the threshold of 5 percent.

The data are used in the rp.logistic example script.

The data were kindly provided by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, with the assistance of Dr. Brian Miller.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 
  rp.logistic(river$Temperature, river$Low)

## End(Not run)

The mass and speed of quadrupedal rodents


In an investigation of the relationship between mass (kg) and speed (km/hr) in mammals, Garland (1983) collected information from published articles on these two variables for a large number of different species. These measurements are given below for a variety of four-footed rodents. (The common names of the species are taken from Corbet & Hill (1986).) Notice that the measurements are not all recorded to the same level of accuracy since the results have been collated from the work of a number of different scientists.

The data are used in rp.cartoons.


Bowman, A.W. & Robinson, D.R. (1990). Introduction to Regression and Analysis of Variance: a computer illustrated text. Bristol: Adam Hilger.

Garland, T. (1983). The relation between maximal running speed and body mass in terrestrial animals. Journal of the Zoological Society of London, 199, 155-170.

Corbet, G.B. & Hill, J.E. (1986). A World List of Mammalian Species. 2nd edition. London: British Museum, Natural History.

rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 
   with(rodent, {
     rp.regression(log(Mass), log(Speed))

## End(Not run)

Interactive analysis of covariance


This function plots a response variable against a covariate, with different groups of data identified by colour and symbol. It also creates a panel which controls the model which is fitted to the data and displayed on the plot.


rp.ancova(x, y, group, panel = TRUE, panel.plot = TRUE, model = NA, model0 = NA,
       xlab, ylab, glab, hscale = NA, vscale = hscale, style = "new")



a vector of covariate values.


a vector of response values.


a vector of group indicators. If this is not already a factor it will be converted into one.


a logical variable which determines whether a panel is created to allow interactive control of the fitted models.


a logical parameter which determines whether the plot is placed inside the panel (TRUE) or the standard graphics window (FALSE). If the plot is to be placed inside the panel then the tkrplot library is required.

model, model0

logical vectors of length 4 defining the initial and comparison models to be fitted. The four values determine whether each of the four terms intercept, x, z and x:z appear. This is appropriate only for style = "new".


a character variable used for the covariate axis label.


a character variable used for the response axis label.


a character variable used for the group variable label.

hscale, vscale

scaling parameters for the size of the plot when panel.plot is set to TRUE. The default values are 1 on Unix platforms and 1.4 on Windows platforms.


a character variable used to determine whether the style of controls in earlier version of the rpanel package is to be used. The value "new" activates the new style and any other value activates the old one.


Static plots, for printing or other purposes can be created by setting the panel argument to FALSE and specifying the model of interest.


Nothing is returned.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 
   with(gullweight, {
     rp.ancova(hab, weight, month)

## End(Not run)

Interactive analysis of variance


This function plots response data, separated by one or two factors. It also creates a panel which controls the models which can be fitted to the data and displayed on the plot. A comparison model can also be selected and the results of an F-test are displayed graphically.


rp.anova(y, x, z, model = NA, model0 = NA, ylab = NA, xlab = NA, zlab = NA, title = NULL,
         lines = TRUE, panel = TRUE, panel.plot = TRUE, hscale = 1.3,
         vscale = hscale / 1.3)



a vector of response values.


a factor which splits y into different groups.


an optional second factor which splits y into a second set of groups.

model, model0

logical vectors of length 2 or 4, for one or two factors respectively, defining the initial and comparison models to be fitted. For one factor, the two values determine whether each of the terms for the intercept and x appear. For two factors, the four values determine whether each of the four terms intercept, x, z and x:z appear.


a character name used for the response variable.


a character name used for the first factor.


a character variable used for the response axis label.


a character variable supplying a title. (This is used only in the case where panel is FALSE.)


a logical variable which determines whether lines are drawn to connect the estimated means for each group. This can be helpful in highlighting the relative positions of the means across the groups.


a logical variable which determines whether a panel is created to allow interactive control of the fitted models.


a logical parameter which determines whether the plot is placed inside the panel (TRUE) or the standard graphics window (FALSE). If the plot is to be placed inside the panel then the tkrplot library is required.

hscale, vscale

scaling parameters for the size of the plot when panel.plot is set to TRUE.


The data are displayed as points superimposed on a density strip created by the denstrip package. Selected models are displayed through the fitted values for each group. When a valid comparison model is selected, its fitted values are displayed along with a shaded regions expressing the contribution of the differences between the two sets of fitted values to the F-statistic. The F-test is displayed in graphical form with a density strip to represent the F-distribution and a point to indicate the observed value of the F-statistic.

Static plots, for printing or other purposes can be created by setting the panel argument to FALSE and specifying the models of interest.


Nothing is returned.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 
   with(poisons, {
     rp.anova(1/stime, treatment, poison)

## End(Not run)

Blocks use of the R console until a panel is closed


This function prevents the R console from accepting further input waits until a panel is closed. The function has two uses. The first is to keep R active when an R script is run in batch mode. This prevents the R session from terminating until the panel has been closed. The second use is to block the user from further use of the command prompt. There may be circumstances in which it is helpful to do this.





the panel whose closure will lead to termination of rp.block.


rp.block should usually be the very last function executed in a script, to prevent termination until the panel has been closed.


Nothing is returned.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package (

See Also



## Not run: 
# This function will be called on pressing the button "Simulate".
boxp.sim <- function(panel) {
# Create an rpanel and add the button "Simulate" to it.
panel <- rp.control()
rp.button(panel, action = boxp.sim, title = "Simulate")

## End(Not run)

Animated scatterplot


This function produces a scatterplot of two variables, with the values of third and fourth variables represented by size and colour of the plotted points. In addition, the scatterplot is animated over a fifth variable, such as time.


rp.bubbleplot(x, y, year, size, col, col.palette = topo.colors(20),
                     interpolate = FALSE, = FALSE, labels = rownames(x),
                     hscale = 1, vscale = hscale)



a matrix of values, whose columns correspond to time points, to be plotted on the horizontal axis.


a matrix of values, whose columns correspond to time points, to be plotted on the vertical axis.


a vector of values, usually years, over which the scatterplot will be animated. The values in this vector correspond to the columns of x and y.


a vector or matrix of values used to scale the sizes of the plotted points.


a vector or matrix of values which will be translated into the colours of the plotted points.


the colour palette used to colour the points.


a logical variable controlling whether interpolation is used to create data for plotting at year values which do not correspond to an exact values of year.

a logical variable which controls whether gaps resulting from missing data are filled in with the largest previous value.


the labels of the plotted points, used to highlight individual points on the scatterplot.

hscale, vscale

scaling parameters for the size of the plot when panel.plot is set to TRUE.


This plot mimics the plots made famous by Hans Rosling through the Gapminder project (see The aim of this function is to make this type of plot available directly from within R. The controls provide a slider or button for animation, plus a list of country names for individual identification.


Nothing is returned.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 
   rp.bubbleplot(log(gdp), log(co2.emissions), 1960:2007, size = population, 
      col = life.expectancy, interpolate = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Button control for rpanel


This function adds a button to the panel. A nominated function is called when the button is pressed.


rp.button(panel, action = I, title=deparse(substitute(action)), repeatdelay=0,
  repeatinterval=0, quitbutton=FALSE, pos=NULL, foreground=NULL, 
  background=NULL, font=NULL, parentname=deparse(substitute(panel)), 
  name=paste("button", .nc(), sep=""), ...)



the panel in which the button should appear.


the function executed when the button is pressed.


the text displayed on the button.


the interval between auto-repeats (milliseconds) when the button is held down.


the time after which the button starts to auto-repeat (milliseconds).


this defaults to FALSE. Set to TRUE this creates a button which will close the window and escape from an rp.block call. Before the window is destroyed the action function will be called.


the layout instructions. Please see the rp.pos example and help for full details.


this sets the colour of text e.g. "navy"


this sets the background colour of text e.g. "white"


this sets the text font e.g. "Arial"


this specifies the widget inside which the button should appear.


the name of the button.




The function action should take one argument, which should be the panel. See rp.grid for details of the grid layout system.


The action function should return the panel. Without this assignment any widgets added or alterations made to panel parameters within the action function will be lost.


The arguments id and parent have been discontinued in version 1.1.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also



## Not run: 
   # This function will be called on pressing the button "Simulate".
   boxp.sim <- function(panel) {
   # Create an rpanel and add the button "Simulate" to it.
   panel <- rp.control()
   rp.button(panel, action = boxp.sim, title = "Simulate")

## End(Not run)

Access to a collection of rpanel illustrations


This function creates a panel with a menu which launches a variety of rpanel illustrations. The function provides a template which can be amended by users to create tailored sets of illustrations.


rp.cartoons(hscale = 1)



a scaling parameter for the size of the plot which will be passed to all relevant menu items.




rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

A checkbox control for rpanel


Adds one or more checkboxes to the panel, to control logical variables.


rp.checkbox(panel, variable, action=I, labels=NULL, names=NULL, title=NULL, 
  initval=rep(FALSE, length(labels)), pos=NULL, doaction=FALSE, foreground=NULL,
  background=NULL, font=NULL, parentname=deparse(substitute(panel)),
  name=paste("checkbox", .nc(), sep=""), ...)



the panel in which the checkbox(es) should appear.


the name of the variable within the panel that the checkbox(es) should control.


the function to call whenever a checkbox is clicked.


the labels of the checkboxes. The length of labels determines the number of checkboxes created. This default value for labels is the name of variable, and therefore a single checkbox.


the names attached to the elements of variable. These provide a helpful means of referring to particular items in multiple checkboxes when defining the action function. If names were not specified in the call to rp.control then names is set to labels.


the title of the checkbox group. This defaults to the name of the variable variable.


the initial value for variable (optional). The initial value can also be specified in the call to rp.control.


the layout instructions. Please see the rp.pos example and help for full details.


a logical variable which determines whether the action function is called when the widget is created. The default is FALSE, so that the function should be called after all widgets have been created, to initialise the state of the panel display.


this sets the colour of text e.g. "navy"


this sets the background colour of text e.g. "white"


this sets the text font e.g. "Arial"


this specifies the widget inside which the checkbox(es) should appear.


the name of the checkbox.




The function action should take one argument, which should be the panel to which the checkbox is attached. See rp.grid for details of the grid layout system.


The action function should return the panel. Without this assignment any widgets added or alterations made to panel parameters within the action function will be lost.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also



## Not run: 
   plot.hist <- function(panel) {
	 with(panel, {
		xlim <- range(c(x, mean(x) + c(-3, 3) * sd(x)))
	   if (panel$cbox[3])
	      clr <- "lightblue" else clr <- NULL
	   hist(x, freq = FALSE, col = clr, xlim = xlim)
	   if (panel$cbox[1]) {
	      xgrid <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], length = 50)
	      dgrid <- dnorm(xgrid, mean(x), sd(x))
	      lines(xgrid, dgrid, col = "red", lwd = 3)
	   if (panel$cbox[2])
   x <- rnorm(50)
   panel <- rp.control(x = x)
   rp.checkbox(panel, cbox, plot.hist, 
      labels = c("normal density", "box", "shading"), title = "Options"), plot.hist)

## End(Not run)

Simulations of normal-based confidence intervals


This function shows simulated confidence intervals for the mean of a normal distribution. It also creates a panel which controls the mean and standard deviation of the population and the size of the simulated sample.

Usage = 0, sigma = 1, sample.sizes = c(30, 50, 100, 200, 500), confidence = 0.95,
         panel = TRUE, panel.plot = TRUE, hscale = NA, vscale = hscale)


mu, sigma

the population mean and standard deviation.


the available sample sizes (30, 50, 100, 200, 500) for simulated data.


the available confidence levels (0.90, 0.95, 0.99).


a logical parameter which determines whether interactive controls are provided or a simple static plot is produced.


a logical parameter which determines whether the plot is placed inside the panel (TRUE) or the standard graphics window (FALSE). If the plot is to be placed inside the panel then the tkrplot library is required.

hscale, vscale

scaling parameters for the size of the plot when panel.plot is set to TRUE. The default values are 1 on Unix platforms and 1.4 on Windows platforms.


A button is provided to sample repeatedly from the current settings. Confidence intervals which cover the population mean are coloured blue while those which miss are coloured red. Repeated simulations illustrate the property of confidence intervals to capture the true value with probability determined by the confidence level (which here is set to 0.95).


Nothing is returned.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run:

## End(Not run)

Remove lines from an rpanel image


This function removes line(s) from an rpanel image widget: rp.clearlines removes all the lines from an image while rp.deleteline deletes only a given line.


rp.clearlines(panel, imagename)



the panel which contains the image. This may be passed as a panelname string or the panel object itself.


the name of the image within the panel.


If the parameter panel is the panelname string the same string is returned. If the panel object is used, the altered panel is assigned to both the calling level and panel's environment level.


In version 1.1 "id" has been renamed "name" to be consistent with the rest of rpanel.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also



## Not run: 
   panel <- rp.control()
   image.file <- file.path(system.file(package = "rpanel"), "images", "gulllmks.gif")
   panel <- rp.image(panel, image.file, imagename="gulls.image")
   rp.line(panel, imagename=gulls.image, 10, 10, 100, 100, color = "green")
   rp.line(panel, imagename=gulls.image, 100, 100, 100, 10, color = "blue")
   rp.clearlines(panel, imagename=gulls.image)

## End(Not run)

Creates a colour key.


A colour key is created using the specified colours (cols) and an axis defined by the specified breaks (brks). This is usually an additional component of a panel which allows the colours on the main plot to be interpreted. The function is used in that way in the function rp.plot4d.


rp.colour.key(cols, brks, par.mar = c(5, 0, 4, 3) + 0.1, natural = TRUE, margin = FALSE)



a vector of colours.


a vector of values which defines the positions on the axis between which each colour is placed.


a vector of four values which are passed to the mar argument of the par function to control the marginal space around the key.


a logical value which, when TRUE, causes the usual form of axis to be constructed from the values in brks. When natural is FALSE, the values in brks are associated with a regularly spaced set of locations along the axis.


a logical value which determines whether a marginal plotting area is placed on the left of the key. This can be useful in allowing relevant information to be plotted alongside the key, such as the confidence intervals in rp.surface. Specifically, if margin is FALSE, the horizontal axis has range c(0, 1) while if margin is TRUE the the range is c(-1, 1). In both cases the key is plotted over the horizontal range c(0, 1).


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 
  key.plot <- function(panel) {
  	rp.colour.key(topo.colors(12), 0:12)
  panel <- rp.control()
  rp.tkrplot(panel, key, key.plot, hscale = 0.15)

## End(Not run)

A ‘combo’ for a panel


This function adds a ‘combobox’ to the panel. When an item is pressed, a variable is set and an action function is called.


rp.combo(panel, variable, prompt=NULL, vals, initval=vals[1], pos=NULL, action=I,
  foreground=NULL, background=NULL, font=NULL, editable=FALSE,
  parentname=deparse(substitute(panel)), name=paste("combo", .nc(), sep=""), ...)



the panel in which the combobox should appear.


the name of the variable whose value is set by the combobox.


the label for the combobox.


the values of variable used by the combo.


the initial value of variable (optional). The initial value can also be specified in the call to rp.control.


the layout instructions. Please see the rp.pos example and help for full details.


the function which is called when an item is chosen.


colour of the text


colour of the text background


font to be used


whether the combobox can be edited or not.


this specifies the widget inside which the combobox should appear.


name assigned to the combobox, used for disposing of the widget




The function action should take one argument, which should be the panel to which the combobox is attached.

See rp.grid for details of the grid layout system.

This function makes use of the BWidget extension to the Tcl/Tk system. If Bwidget has not been installed on your system, download it from and expand the compressed file into a folder. On a Windows machine, this folder should then be copied into the folder containing the Tcl libraries that were installed as part of R. This may be in a location such as C:\Program Files\R\R-4.0.2\Tcl\lib (with an obvious change to the version number of R being used). On a Mac, the downloaded folder should be copied into the folder where the main Tcl package is located (note: not inside the Tcl folder but at the same level as the Tcl folder). This may be in a location such as /usr/local/lib.

Note that rp.listbox provides an alternative to rp.combo if the latter is unavailable.


If the parameter panel is the panelname string the same string is returned. If the panel object is used the altered panel is assigned to both the calling level and panel's environment level.


The action function should return the panel. Without this assignment any widgets added or alterations made to panel parameters within the action function will be lost.


Parameters parent and ... have been discontinued in version 1.1. Note that the argument previously named var has been renamed variable to avoid reserved word issues.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also

rp.checkbox, rp.control


## Not run: 
   callback <- function(panel) {
   panel <- rp.control()
   rp.combo(panel, option, "Pick an option:", 
            c("Option1","Option2","Other options"), action=callback)

## End(Not run)

Create or dispose of an rpanel


The function rp.control creates a panel window into which rpanel widgets can be placed. It can also set up variables within the rpanel object. The function rp.control.dispose disposes of an rpanel.


rp.control(title = "", size = c(100, 100), panelname, background, ...)



the title of the panel displayed in the banner.


a two-element numeric vector specifying width and height of the panel in pixels. If this argument is omitted the size of the panel will adapt to the subsequent addition of widgets.


the name of the panel. It is usually not necessary to set this as it will be given a name automatically.


the background colour of the control e.g. "white". (New parameter with version 2.0.)


additional arguments which are treated as variable initialisations and are stored within the returned rpanel object. For example inserting x=3 creates a variable x in the rpanel object with the value 3. Note that the names of these additional arguments should not conflict with those of the main arguments of rp.control.


the panel to be disposed of. This represents the object and its parameters


Objects passed into rp.control are then available to be used by action functions.


The list object which defines the panel.


Previous arguments realname and aschar have been discontinued in version 1.1.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also

rp.button, rp.checkbox, rp.combo, rp.doublebutton, rp.grid, rp.image, rp.listbox,, rp.radiogroup, rp.slider, rp.text, rp.textentry, rp.tkrplot, rp.widget.dispose


## Not run: 
   hist.or.boxp <- function(panel) {
     if (panel$plot.type == "histogram")
   panel <- rp.control(x=rnorm(50), panelname="panel")
   rp.radiogroup(panel, plot.type, c("histogram", "boxplot"),
                 title="Plot type", action = hist.or.boxp)  

   # Try also
   # panel <- rp.control()
   # rp.control.dispose(panel)

## End(Not run)

Updates the panel environment with the current value of the panel list object.


Sometimes an action function makes changes to the panel list object. When the action function is completed, the panel environment is updated. However, if there are other calls to action functions within the original action function, then the panel environment needs to be updated before these calls. This function achieves that.


rp.control.put(panelname, panel)



the panelname of the relevant panel. This is usually identified as panel$panelname.


the relevant panel.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also



## Not run: 
  action1 <- function(panel) {
    panel$x <- rnorm(1)
    rp.control.put(panel$panelname, panel), action2)
  action2 <- function(panel) {
  panel <- rp.control(x = 0)
  rp.button(panel, action1, "new x")

## End(Not run)

Removes a line from an rpanel image


This removes a previously drawn line which was given an id in rp.line.


rp.deleteline(panel, imagename, id)



the panel containing the image. This may be passed as a panelname string or the panel object itself.


the image on which the line was drawn.


the identifier of the line to be deleted.


If the argument panel is the panelname string the same string is returned. If the panel object is used, the altered panel is assigned to both the calling level and panel's environment level.


In version 1.1, the former argument image has been renamed name to be consistent with the rest of rpanel.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 
   panel <- rp.control()
   image.file <- file.path(system.file(package = "rpanel"), "images", "gulllmks.gif")
   panel <- rp.image(panel, image.file, imagename="gulls.image")
   rp.line(panel, imagename=gulls.image, 10, 10, 100, 100, color = "green", id="first")
   rp.line(panel, imagename=gulls.image, 100, 100, 100, 10, color = "blue", id="second")
   rp.deleteline(panel, imagename=gulls.image, id="first")

## End(Not run)

Runs a user-written action function


Runs a user-written action function, passing a panel to it as a parameter. This can be used to put the rpanel into its initial state. For example, it is useful when using radiobuttons as these do not automatically call the action function when the controls are first created.

Usage, action, x = NA, y = NA)



the panel to be passed as a parameter to the function.


the function to be executed.

x, y

additional arguments for mouse position on the plot, so that the action function can be called with these additional arguments if they are present.


If the argument panel is the panelname string the same string is returned. If the panel object is used, the altered panel is assigned to both the calling level and panel's environment level.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also



## Not run: 
   data.plotfn <- function(panel) {
     if (panel$plot.type == "histogram") 
       if (panel$plot.type == "boxplot")
   panel <- rp.control(x = rnorm(50))
   rp.radiogroup(panel, plot.type, 
          c("histogram", "boxplot", "density estimate"), 
          action = data.plotfn, title = "Plot type", initval="histogram"), data.plotfn)

## End(Not run)

Double-button widget for rpanel


Adds a control with '+' and '-' buttons, to increment and decrement a variable.


rp.doublebutton(panel, variable, step, title=deparse(substitute(variable)),
                action=I, initval=NULL, range=c(NA, NA), log=FALSE,
                showvalue=FALSE, showvaluewidth=4, repeatinterval=100,
                repeatdelay=100, pos=NULL, foreground=NULL, 
                background=NULL, font=NULL, parentname=deparse(substitute(panel)),
                name=paste("doublebutton", .nc(), sep=""), ...)



the panel in which the doublebutton should appear.


the name of the variable within the panel that the doublebutton should control.


the value by which the variable "variable" is incremented or decremented on pressing a button. When log is TRUE this is a factor instead.


the label for the doublebutton. This defaults to the name of var.


the function which is called when a button is pressed.


the initial value for var (optional). The initial value can also be specified in the call to rp.control.


a 2-element numeric vector containing lower and upper limits for var. Use NA for no limit (upper and/or lower).


a logical variable which determines whether the increment (step) is multiplicative or additive.


a logical variable which determines whether the present value of "variable" is shown between the + and - buttons. This is forced to FALSE when log is TRUE.


defines the width of the shown value in characters.


the interval between auto-repeats (milliseconds) when the button is held down.


the time after which the button starts to auto-repeat (milliseconds).


the layout instructions. Please see the rp.pos example and help for full details.


colour of the text


colour of the text background


font to be used


this specifies the widget inside which the doublebutton widget.


name assigned to the doublebutton; used for disposal etc




action should be a function of one argument, which should be the panel. The panel can then be manipulated, and data stored in the panel may be used/modified, then the (optionally modified) panel must be returned.

See rp.grid for details of the grid layout system.


If the argument panel is the panelname string, the same string is returned. If the panel object is used, the altered panel is assigned to both the calling level and panel's environment level.


The action function should return the panel. Without this assignment any widgets added or alterations made to panel parameters within the action function will be lost.

Note that setting log=TRUE and showvalue=TRUE is not allowed.


The former arguments parent and ... have been discontinued in version 1.1. Note also that the argument var has been renamed variable to avoid reserved word issues.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also



## Not run: 
   density.draw <- function(panel) {
     plot(density(panel$x, bw = panel$h))
   panel <- rp.control(x = rnorm(50))
   rp.doublebutton(panel, var = h, step = 0.05, 
     title = "Density estimate", action = density.draw,
     range = c(0.1, 5), initval=1)

## End(Not run)

Geostatistical sampling and analysis simulation tool


This function gives access to a sampling scenario which is based on the mapping of radioactivity and the calculation of a radionuclide inventory within a water body. (A ‘firth’ is a Scottish term for a long, narrow indentation of the sea coast at the mouth of a river.) Interest lies in nuclides which, on release into a water body, attach (absorb) to sediment in a manner which depends on the sediment particle size. Cobalt-60 and caesium-137 are examples of nuclides which exhibit this behaviour. In this sampling scenario, the map of sediment type is used to define regions of different particle size from which the sediment samples will be collected by grabs from a boat. The presence of strata therefore has to be considered, as the different types of material on the sea bed may affect the mean values of the measurements taken.

The function displays a map and gives graphical control over a variety of sampling strategies. Once the user has drawn a sample, some simple predictions over the whole firth can be produced. The geoR package is used to construct these predictions.


rp.firth(hscale = NA, col.palette = rev(heat.colors(40)), = "blue", file = NA,
          parameters = NA)



a scaling parameter which expands (>1) or contracts (<1) the size of the plot within the panel. This can be useful for projection onto a screen, for example. The vertical scale is set to the same value as the horizontal scale, to ensure that the plot is square. The default values are 1 on Unix platforms and 1.4 on Windows platforms.


the colour palette used to display the predicted and true spatial surfaces.

the colour used to draw the standard error contours on the predicted surface.


the name of a file to which the sampled data will be written.


a list which can be used to change the parameters which control the simulated measurement data.


The use of the function is discussed in detail in the paper by Bowman et al. (2008) referenced below.

Once the data have been sampled, a data file may be saved for further analysis external to the rp.firth function, using the file argument. A convenient way of saving to the current working directory, for example to a file named firth.dmp, is to set the file argument to file.path(getwd(), "firth.dmp"). The load function can then be applied to the saved file to create an object called, which is a three-column matrix with the x and y locations in columns 1 and 2 and the observed values in column 3.


Nothing in returned.


Bowman, A.W., Crawford, E., Alexander, G. Gibson and Bowman, R.W. (2007). rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

Bowman, A.W., Gibson, I., Scott, E.M. and Crawford, E. (2008). Interactive Teaching Tools for Spatial Sampling. Journal of Statistical Software, 36, 13, 1–17.

See Also

rp.mururoa, rp.geosim


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Interactive visualisation of spatially correlated random fields


This function allows Gaussian random fields to be simulated and visualised, using graphical controls for a variety of parameter settings.


rp.geosim(max.Range = 0.5, max.pSill = 1, max.Nugget = 1, max.Kappa = 10, 
                      max.aniso.ratio = 5,
                      min.ngrid = 10, max.ngrid = 25, hscale = NA, vscale = hscale,
                      col.palette = terrain.colors(40))


max.Range, max.pSill, max.Nugget

the maximum values of the range, sill and nugget parameters. These define the end-points of the corresponding slider scales.


The maximum value of the kappa parameter in the Matern family of spatial covariance functions.


The maximum value of the anisotropy ratio parameter, which controls the degree of anisotropy in the simulated field.

min.ngrid, max.ngrid

the minimum and maximum values of the grid size for sampling points.

hscale, vscale

horizontal and vertical scaling factors for the size of the plots. It can be useful to adjust these for different screen resolutions or for projection in a lecture setting. The default values are 1.2 on Unix platforms and 1.4 on Windows platforms.


the colour palette used to display the random fields.


The aim of the tool is to allow the generation of repeated simulated fields without the distraction of re-executing code explicitly. This can help to gain an intuitive understanding of the nature of spatial data. In particular, interactive control of parameters can help greatly in understanding the meaning and effects of parameter values. Nugget effects can be added and sampled points displayed. Two-dimensional contour plots are produced. Three-dimensional plots are also produced if the rgl package is available.

The use of the function is discussed in the paper paper by Bowman et al. (2008) referenced below.

The geoR and RandomFields packages are used to generate the data.

Note that the Matern covariance function is parameterised in the form described by Handcock & Wallis (1994) which separates the effects of the shape and range parameters.


Nothing is returned.


Adler, D. (2005). rgl: 3D Visualization Device System (OpenGL).

Bowman, A.W., Crawford, E., Alexander, G. Gibson and Bowman, R.W. (2007). rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

Bowman, A.W., Gibson, I., Scott, E.M. and Crawford, E. (2008). Interactive Teaching Tools for Spatial Sampling. Journal of Statistical Software, 36, 13, 1–17.

Diggle, P.J. and Ribiero, P.J. (2008). Model-based Geostatistics. Springer, New York.

Handcock, M.S. and Wallis, J.R. (1994). An approach to statistical spatial-temporal modeling of meteorological fields. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 89, 368-378.

See Also

rp.firth, rp.mururoa


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Define a subsidiary grid within an rpanel


A subsidiary grid is defined at a specified location within an rpanel.


rp.grid(panel, name=paste("grid", .nc(), sep=""), pos=NULL, background=NULL, 
  parentname=deparse(substitute(panel)), ...)



the panel to which the grid should be attached.


a string defining the name of the grid. For use with rp.widget.dispose


See the help information on "grid" mode in rp.pos, for more information.


a character variable defining a background colour. (This is not the same as colours in R, but simple colours are available.)


this specifies the widget inside which the grid should appear.




The role of this function is to specify a subsidiary grid at a particular row and column position of the parent grid. Nesting of grids within grids is permitted. See the help information on "grid" mode in rp.pos for a description of the settings of the pos argument.


The former argument parent has been discontinued in version 1.1, while the argument bg has been renamed background for consistency with the other functions.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 
panel <- rp.control()
rp.grid(panel, pos=list(row=0, column=0, sticky="news"),
        background="red", name="g0")
rp.grid(panel, pos=list(row=1, column=1, sticky="news", width=100, height=100),
        background="navy", name="g1")
rp.grid(panel, pos=list(row=2, column=2, sticky="news", width=150, height=200),
        background="green", name="g2")
rp.button(panel, function(panel) { panel }, "press A",
        pos=list(row=1, column=1, sticky=""), parentname="g1")
rp.button(panel, function(panel) { panel }, "press B",
        pos=list(row=2, column=2, sticky="news"), parentname="g1")
rp.button(panel, function(panel) { panel }, "press C",
        pos=list("left",width=50, height=150), parentname="g2")
rp.grid(panel, pos=list(row=0, column=0, sticky="", width=10, height=10),
        background="yellow", parentname="g0")

## End(Not run)

STEPS module: the Birds and the Bees


The function launches a panel which contains an image of a herring gull. With this bird, sex cannot easily be identified by visual inspection. The user is invited to identify length measurements, defined by pairs of landmarks, which will enable males and females to be identified.


rp.gulls( = "", panel.plot = TRUE)


a string giving the filename where the dataframe containing the currently collected measurements will be stored using the save function. If this string is the default value of "" then no file will be saved.


whether to plot or not.


The panel contains an image with landmarks indicated by yellow dots. When the user clicks two landmarks, a length measurement is indicated by a coloured line. The ‘Collect data’ button can be clicked to request that this measurement is collected, on a database of birds whose sex is known. If the measurement is a valid and useful one, it is added to the named dataframe, which is immediately saved in the file and is therefore available for inspection and analysis simply by loading this file. If the measurement is invalid or not useful, an appropriate message is given in a pop-up window.

Note that in versions of rpanel earlier than 1.1-1 the dataframe containing the collected data was previously forced into the global environment for immediate access. This has been replaced by the use of a user-nominated file.


the name of the panel created.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Placement of an image within a rpanel


An image is placed inside a panel. When the image is clicked the action function is called with the x and y coordinates of the clicked position.


rp.image(panel, filename, imagename, action=NA, mousedrag=NA, mouseup=NA, pos=NULL,
  parentname=deparse(substitute(panel)), ...)



the panel in which the image should appear. This may be passed as a panelname string or the panel object itself.


the name of the file where the image is located.


name assigned to the image, used for disposing of the widget


the function which is called when the image is clicked.


the function which is called when the mouse is dragged.


the function which is called when the mouse is released.


the layout instructions. Please see the rp.pos example and help for full details.


this specifies the widget inside which the image should appear.




The function action should take three arguments, the panel and the coordinates x and y where the image was clicked. At present only GIF images are supported.

See rp.grid for details of the grid layout system.


If the argument panel is the panelname string, the same string is returned. If the panel object is used, the altered panel is assigned to both the calling level and panel's environment level.


The action function should return the panel. Without this assignment any widgets added or alterations made to panel parameters within the action function will be lost.


The former arguments parent and ... have been discontinued in version 1.1. Note also that the argument id has been renamed name to be consistent with the rest of rpanel.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: <- function(panel, x, y) {
     print(c(x, y))
   panel <- rp.control()
   image.file <- file.path(system.file(package = "rpanel"), "images", "gulllmks.gif")
   rp.image(panel, image.file, gulls.image, action =

## End(Not run)

Interactive inspection of one- or two-parameter likelihood surfaces


This function plots a likelihood surface for a model with one or two parameters. It also creates a panel which allows the maximum likelihood estimate, a confidence region and other objects of interest to be added to the plot. For one-parameter models, the tkrplot package is required. For two-parameter models the rgl package is required.


rp.likelihood(loglik.fn, data, theta.low, theta.high, form = "log-likelihood", 
                  hscale = NA, vscale = hscale)



This should be either the name of a function, with arguments theta and data, or R code, in text form, which evaluates the log-likelihood function. The latter form allows simple R expressions such as sum(log(dexp(data, theta))) or sum(log(dgamma(data, theta[1], theta[2]))) to be used to define the log-likelihood.


an object which contains the data. This will be referred to in likelihood contributions.


a vector of length one or two which defines the lower limit(s) of the parameter values for initial plotting.


a vector of length one or two which defines the upper limit(s) of the parameter values for initial plotting.


a text variable which determines whether the likelihood or log-likelihood function is to be plotted. This applies only to one-parameter models. With two-parameter models, only the log-likelihood is plotted.

hscale, vscale

scaling parameters for the size of the plot when there is one covariate. The default values are 1 on Unix platforms and 1.4 on Windows platforms.


The interactive controls allow a variety of aspects of the plots to be altered. This is intended to allow students and lecturers to explore likelihood surfaces in a manner which promotes an intuitive understanding of the concepts involved.

In the case of one parameter, the vertical axes of the (log-)likelihood plot can be clicked and grabbed to alter the plotting region interactively. This can be useful, in particular, in identifying the maximum likelihood estimator graphically.


Nothing is returned.


rpanel: Statistical cartoons in R. MSOR Connections, 7, 3-7.

rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 
   rp.likelihood("sum(log(dexp(data, theta)))", aircond, 0.005, 0.03)
   rp.likelihood("sum(log(dgamma(data, theta[1], theta[2])))",
        aircond, c(0.3, 0.005), c(3, 0.06))

## End(Not run)

Draws a line on an rpanel image


This draws a line connecting the pixel locations x1, y1 to x2, y2 on the specified image. The colour and width of the line can be controlled.


rp.line(panel, imagename, x1, y1, x2, y2, color = "black", width = 2, id = 'rpline')



the panel containing the image. This may be passed as a panelname string or the panel object itself.


the image on which the line should be drawn.


the horizontal first position of start of the line in pixel co-ordinates.


the vertical first position of start of the line in pixel co-ordinates.


the horizontal final position of end of the line in pixel co-ordinates.


the vertical final position of end of the line in pixel co-ordinates.


the colour of the line. The default is "black".


the width of the line. The default is 2.


the identifier of the line created.


The function action should take one argument, which should be the panel to which the line is attached.


If the argument panel is the panelname string, the same string is returned. If the panel object is used, the altered panel is assigned to both the calling level and panel's environment level.


In version 1.0, the former argument image has been renamed name to be consistent with the rest of rpanel.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also



## Not run: 
  click.capture <- function(panel,x,y) {
    if (is.null(panel$x)) { 
      panel$x <- as.numeric(x)
      panel$y <- as.numeric(y) 
    else { 
      rp.line(panel, imagename=gulls.image, panel$x, panel$y,
              as.numeric(x), as.numeric(y), width=3, id = "current")
      panel$x <- as.numeric(x)
      panel$y <- as.numeric(y)
  gulls.panel <- rp.control()
  image.file <- file.path(system.file(package = "rpanel"), "images", "gulllmks.gif")
  rp.image(gulls.panel, image.file, imagename="gulls.image", action = click.capture)

## End(Not run)

Listbox for a panel


This function adds a listbox to the panel. When an item is pressed, a variable is set and an action function is called.


rp.listbox(panel, variable, vals, labels = vals,
           rows=length(labels), initval=vals[1], pos=NULL, 
           title=deparse(substitute(variable)), action=I, foreground=NULL,
           background=NULL, font=NULL, parentname=deparse(substitute(panel)),
           sleep = 0.01, name=paste("listbox", .nc(), sep=""), ...)



the panel in which the listbox should appear.


the name of the variable whose value is set by the listbox.


the values of var used by the listbox. NOTE: Not currently in use, intended to be.


the labels for values of var offered by the listbox.


the number of rows in the list. This defaults to the number of labels. If the number of labels is greater than the number of rows the listbox will be displayed with a scrollbar.


the initial value of <var> (optional). The initial value can also be specified in the call to rp.control.


the layout instructions. Please see the rp.pos example and help for full details.


the label for the listbox.


the function which is called when an item is chosen.


colour of the text


colour of the text background


font to be used


this specifies the widget inside which the listbox should appear.


a length of time in seconds, passed to Sys.sleep, which can be used to overcome a technical problem in some computer systems. If the listbox appears blank, then setting this parameter to a slightly value may fix the problem.


name assigned to the listbox, used for disposing of the widget




The function action should take one argument, which should be the panel to which the listbox is attached.

See rp.grid for details of the grid layout system.


If the argument panel is the panelname string, the same string is returned. If the panel object is used, the altered panel is assigned to both the calling level and panel's environment level.


The action function should return the panel. Without this assignment any widgets added or alterations made to panel parameters within the action function will be lost.


The former arguments parent and ... have been discontinued in version 1.1. Note also that the argument var has been renamed variable to avoid reserved word issues.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also



## Not run: 
   data.plotfn <- function(panel) {
     if (panel$plot.type == "histogram")
       if (panel$plot.type == "boxplot")
   panel <- rp.control(x = rnorm(50))
   rp.listbox(panel, plot.type,
       c("histogram", "boxplot", "density estimate"),
       action = data.plotfn, title = "Plot type") 

## End(Not run)

Interactive display of logistic regression with a single covariate


The function rp.logistic plots a binary or binomial response variable against a single covariates and creates a panel which controls the position of a logistic curve and allows a logistic regression to be fitted to the data and displayed on the plot.


rp.logistic(x, y, xlab = NA, ylab = NA, panel.plot = TRUE, panel = TRUE,
               hscale = NA, vscale = hscale, alpha = 0, beta = 0, 
               display = c("jitter" = FALSE, "regression line" = FALSE,
               "fitted model" = FALSE))



a vector of covariate values.


a vector of response values with two levels, or a two-column matrix whose first column is the number of ‘successes’ and the second column is the number of ‘failures’ at each covariate value.


a character variable used for the covariate axis label.


a character variable used for the response axis label.


a logical variable which determines whether the plot is placed inside the control panel.


a logical variable which determines whether an interactive panel is created.

hscale, vscale

horizontal and vertical scaling factors for the size of the plots. It can be useful to adjust these for projection on a screen, for example. The default values are 1 on Unix platforms and 1.4 on Windows platforms.


the initial value of the intercept parameter.


the initial value of the slope parameter.


the initial settings of the checkboxes which control whether the data are ‘jittered’ for visual effect and whether the movable and fitted regression lines are displayed.


The control panel allows a logistic regression line to be drawn on the plot and the intercept and slope of the linear predictor altered interactively. The fitted logistic regression can also be displayed.

If y is a vector of responses with two values, these are treated as a factor which is then converted to the (0,1) scale by as.numeric.

The values of the response variable can be ‘jittered’.


Nothing is returned.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also



## Not run: 
  rp.logistic(river$Temperature, river$Low)

## End(Not run)

Top level menu for a panel


This function adds a menu to the top of the panel window. When a menu item is selected, a variable is set and an action function is called.

Usage, variable, labels, initval=NULL, action=I,
        foreground=NULL, background=NULL, font=NULL,
        name=paste("menu", .nc(), sep=""))



the panel to which the menu should be attached should appear.


the name of the variable whose value is set by the menu. (Renamed in 2.0 to variable from var as var is a reserved word.)


the labels for the menu options. These values are returned through var. The menu is defined by a list of lists of character strings. Each major menu heading should be the first item in the sub-lists with the submenu items listed afterwards in the same list. Please see the example.


the initial value of variable (optional). The initial value can also be specified in the call to rp.control.


the function which is called when a menu item is chosen.


this sets the colour of text e.g. "navy"


this sets the background colour of text e.g. "white"


this sets the text font e.g. "Arial"


the name of the widget - this is used by rp.widget.dispose


The function action should take one argument, which should be the panel to which the listbox is attached.

The list for a menu consisting of "File" and "Edit" only would be defined as list(list("File"), list("Edit")).

The list for a menu consisting of "File" with subitem "Quit", and "Edit" with subitems "Copy", "Cut" and "Paste", would be defined as list(list("File", "Quit"), list("Edit", "Copy", "Cut", "Paste")).


The action function should return the panel. Without this assignment any widgets added or alterations made to panel parameters within the action function will be lost.

The action function must be defined before the statement as it relies on the function already existing.


The former argument parent has been discontinued in version 1.1.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also



## Not run: 
   a <- rp.control()
   # The action function has to come first so that it already exists for, 
   # as it creates the callback functions on the fly it requires action to already 
   # be defined.
   domenu <- function(panel) {
      rp.messagebox(panel$menuchoice, title = "You chose")
      }, menuchoice, labels=list(list("File","Quit"),
              list("Edit","Copy","Cut","Paste")), action=domenu)

## End(Not run)

Displays a message


This function displays a message in a pop-up window.


rp.messagebox(..., title="rpanel Message")



parameters containing the message to be displayed.


the title for the message window.


The pop-up window remains displayed and no other action can be taken, until the 'ok' button is pressed.




rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also



## Not run: 
   rp.messagebox("Click OK to continue.", title = "Test message")

## End(Not run)

Sampling in Mururoa Atoll


This function is based on a real sampling study on the effects of nuclear experiments conducted between 1966 and 1996 in the South Pacific, at the atolls of Mururoa and Fangataufa, (Report by International Advisory Committee, IAEA, 1998). As part of the assessment of subsequent radiological conditions, both terrestrial and aquatic samples were collected and assayed for activities due to strontium-90, caesium-137, plutonium and tritium. The sampling scenario in the function is based on water sampling by boat in the Mururoa atoll. A graphical control panel allows users to select sampling points. Once the user has drawn a sample, some simple predictions over the whole atoll can be produced.


rp.mururoa(hscale = NA, col.palette = rev(heat.colors(40)), = "blue", file = NA,
    parameters = NA)



a scaling parameter which expands (>1) or contracts (<1) the size of the plot within the panel. This can be useful for projection onto a screen, for example. The vertical scale is set to the same value as the horizontal scale, to ensure that the plot is square. The default values are 1 on Unix platforms and 1.4 on Windows platforms.


the colour palette used to display the predicted and true spatial surfaces.

the colour used to draw the standard error contours on the predicted surface.


the name of a file to which the sampled data will be written.


a list which can be used to change the parameters which control the simulated measurement data.


The panel controls allow the user to experiment with random and systematic sampling, with further control of the alignment and patterns of points in the systematic case. The number of points can also be selected. When a sample is taken, simulated data are generated. Some further controls allow predicted surfaces and standard errors to be displayed, using different types of trend functions. The geoR package is used to construct these predictions. The true simulated surface can also be displayed, to indicate the success of the predictions.

Once the data have been sampled, a data file may be saved for further analysis external to the rp.mururoa function, using the file argument. A convenient way of saving to the current working directory, for example to a file named mururoa.dmp, is to set the file argument to file.path(getwd(), "mururoa.dmp"). The load function can then be applied to the saved file to create an object called, which is a three-column matrix with the x and y locations in columns 1 and 2 and the observed values in column 3.


Nothing is returned.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

Bowman, A.W., Gibson, I., Scott, E.M. and Crawford, E. (2008). Interactive Teaching Tools for Spatial Sampling. Journal of Statistical Software, 36, 13, 1–17.

See Also

rp.firth, rp.geosim


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Interactive fitting of a normal distribution


This function plots a histogram of a sample of data and creates a panel which controls the mean and standard deviation of the normal distribution which is fitted to the data and displayed on the plot.


rp.normal(y, ylab = deparse(substitute(y)),
            panel.plot = TRUE, hscale = NA, vscale = hscale)



a vector of data.


a character variable used for the histogram axis label.


a logical parameter which determines whether the plot is placed inside the panel (TRUE) or the standard graphics window (FALSE). If the plot is to be placed inside the panel then the tkrplot library is required.

hscale, vscale

scaling parameters for the size of the plot when panel.plot is set to TRUE. The default values are 1 on Unix platforms and 1.4 on Windows platforms.


The interactive controls allow a normal density curve to be added to the histogram, with doublebuttons used to control the values of the normal mean and standard deviation. The fitted normal density based on the sample mean and standard deviation can also be displayed.


Nothing is returned.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 
  y <- rnorm(50, mean = 10, sd = 0.5)
## End(Not run)

Define a notebook within an rpanel


A tabbed notebook, the location of which is defined by pos, is created within an rpanel. Further widgets, grids or even notebooks can then be placed within the notebook.


rp.notebook(panel, tabs, tabnames=tabs, width = 600, height = 400, pos = NULL, 
  foreground = NULL, background = "lightgray", font = NULL, 
  parentname = deparse(substitute(panel)),
  name = paste("notebook", .nc(), sep = ""), ...)
rp.notebook.raise(panel, parentname, label)



the panel in which the notebook should appear.


this is a vector of the names to appear on the tabs


this is a vector of the labels to be used internally - used by rp.notebook.raise


the width, in pixels, of the notebook


the height, in pixels, of the notebook


the position of the notebook. see rp.pos


this sets the colour of text e.g. "navy"


this sets the background colour of text e.g. "white"


this sets the text font e.g. "Arial"


this specifies the widget inside which the notebook should appear.


the name of the widget - this is used by rp.widget.dispose


the name of the tab which is to be raised




The role of this function is to specify a notebook. Nesting of notebooks is permitted. rp.notebook.raise is used to bring the contents of a particular tab to the foreground.

These functions make use of the BWidget extension to the Tcl/Tk system. If Bwidget has not been installed on your system, download it from and expand the compressed file into a folder. On a Windows machine, this folder should then be copied into the folder containing the Tcl libraries that were installed as part of R. This may be in a location such as C:\Program Files\R\R-4.0.2\Tcl\lib (with an obvious change to the version number of R being used). On a Mac, the downloaded folder should be copied into the folder where the main Tcl package is located (note: not inside the Tcl folder but at the same level as the Tcl folder). This may be in a location such as /usr/local/lib.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 
panel <- rp.control(title="Notebook example with two notebooks")
rp.notebook(panel, c("File", "Edit"), width=600, height=400,
            pos=list(row=0, column=0), background="lightgray",
            font="Arial", name="n1")
rp.notebook.raise(panel, "n1", "Edit")
rp.button(panel, function(panel){
	                rp.messagebox("Button pressed!"); panel },
	                "Test this", parentname="Edit")
rp.messagebox("A second tabbed notebook can be added to the same window.")
rp.notebook(panel, c("A tab 1", "A tab 2"), width=200, height=200,
            pos=list(row=1, column=1), background="Navy", foreground="White")
rp.messagebox("A tabbed notebook can be placed inside a tabbed notebook.")
rp.notebook(panel, c("Tab within tab", "Another tab"),
            width=200, height=100, parentname="File", name="n3")
rp.notebook.raise(panel, "n1", "File")
rp.notebook.raise(panel, "n3", "Another tab")

## End(Not run)

Returns a panel


Returns a named (by passing the name as a string parameter) panel.





optional string parameter. If set the panel of that name is returned, if not set the most recently created panel is returned.


If panelname is set, the panel of that name is returned. If it is not set, the most recently created panel is returned.


Note: returning of the most recent panel may fail when running R on a Windows machine in DOS. A warning is contained within the function.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also



## Not run: 
   # create a panel - will be created in .rpenv as "newpanel"
   rp.control(panelname = "newpanel")
   # creates the panel, but does not return a handle to it - created as ".rpanel2"
   # pick up the first panel
   panel2 <- rp.panel("newpanel")

## End(Not run)

Interactive display of a plot of three variables


This function produces a scatterplot of three variables, using the rgl package for three-dimensional display.


rp.plot3d(x, y, z, xlab  = NA, ylab = NA, zlab = NA, 
                   axes = TRUE, new.window = TRUE, type = "p", size = 3, col = "red",
                   xlim = NA, ylim = NA, zlim = NA, plot = TRUE, ...)


x, y, z

vectors of observed values.


a character variable used for the first axis label.


a character variable used for the second axis label.


a character variable used for the third axis label.


a logical variable determining whether the axes are shown.


a logical variable which determines whether a new window is opened (TRUE) or the current plot is clear and the new plot is drawn in the existing window (FALSE).


a character variable controlling the type of plotting. If the value is set to "n", the points are not plotted.


the size of the plotted points.


the colour of the plotted points.


the plotting range for the first variable.


the plotting range for the second variable.


the plotting range for the third variable.


a logical variable which determines whether a plot is drawn. It can be useful to set this to FALSE when only the scaling function is required.


other rgl parameters which control the appearance of the plotted points.


The plot is produced by appropriate calls to the rgl package. This allows interactive control of the viewing position. Other objects may subsequently be added to the plot by using rgl functions and data which are centred and scaled by the returned values indicated below.


A scaling function is returned to allow further objects to be added to the plot. The function accepts x, y, z vector arguments and returns a list with x, y, z components defining the co-ordinates for plotting. An illustration is given in the example below.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also



## Not run: 
  x <- rnorm(50)
  y <- rnorm(50)
  z <- rnorm(50)
  scaling <- rp.plot3d(x, y, z, xlim = c(-3, 3))
  # In addition you may add a line to the plot with these two lines;
  #  a <- scaling(c(-3,3), c(0,0), c(0,0))
  #  lines3d(a$x, a$y, a$z, col = "green", size = 2) 

## End(Not run)

Animated scatterplot


This function plots two covariates coloured by a response variable and animates this by a third covariate. In particular, it is useful for plotting spatiotemporal data.


rp.plot4d(x, z, y, model, group, subset, col.palette, col.breaks, col.labels,
                  hscale = 1, vscale = hscale, panel = TRUE,
                  x1lab, x2lab, zlab, ylab,
                  display = "image", Display = NULL,
                  background.plot = NULL, foreground.plot = NULL, 
                  z.window = "normal", = c(min(z), sd(z)/5),
                  coords = rep(NA, 2), radius = 0.05, = "black",
         = 1,
                  location.plot = TRUE, retain.location.plot = FALSE,
                  eqscplot = FALSE, location.plot.type = "histogram")
   rp.spacetime(space, time, y, model, group, subset, col.palette, col.breaks, col.labels,
                  hscale = 1, vscale = hscale, panel = TRUE,
                  x1lab, x2lab, zlab, ylab,
                  display = "image", Display = NULL,
                  background.plot = NULL, foreground.plot = NULL,
                  time.window = "normal",
         = c(min(time), sd(time)/5),
                  coords = rep(NA, 2), radius = 0.05, = "black",
         = 1,
                  location.plot = TRUE, retain.location.plot = FALSE,
                  eqscplot = TRUE, location.plot.type = "histogram")


x, space

a two column matrix of covariates, in particular defining spatial locations.

z, time

a vector of values, such as times, over which the scatterplot will be animated.


a vector of response values which will be used to colour the plotted points.


a list with components x (a two-column matrix), z (a vector) and y (an array) which defines the fitted values (y) over a regular grid of x and z values. When group is not present y should be three-dimensional. When group is present it should be four-dimensional, with the fourth dimension indexing the fitted values of the model at the different levels of group.


an optional factor allowing plots to be created for each factor level.


a vector of logical values or indices which will be used to subset x (or space), z (or time), y, group before plotting.

col.palette, col.breaks, col.labels

the colour palette used to colour the points, the break points on the scale which define the range associated with the each colour and the labels associated with the break points. If col.palette is missing, topo.colors(20) will be used, or topo.colors with the number of colours set by the number of levels when y is a factor. If col.breaks is missing then a regular grid over the range of the observed data is used. If col.labels is specified then the colour key has a grid of equally spaced colour blocks labelled by col.labels; otherwise the scale is linear. Setting col.breaks and col.labels differently can be useful if the data y are on a transformed scale but labels on the original scale are desired.

hscale, vscale

scaling parameters for the size of the plot when panel is set to TRUE. The default values are 1 on Unix platforms and 1.4 on Windows platforms.


a logical value determining whether an interactive plot with control panel is created.

x1lab, x2lab, zlab, ylab

the axis labels of the variables


a character string which determines whether an "image" or "persp" plot is displayed.


a logical vector which controls whether the points, and where present model and reference information, are displayed.

background.plot, foreground.plot

function to add further graphical material, such as a map, onto the background or foreground of the plot.

z.window, time.window

a character string which determines whether the window in z is initially "normal" or "uniform". This can be changed in the interactive panel.,

a vector of length two which sets initial values for the location and width of the z.window. These values can be changed in the interactive panel.


a vector of length two which defines the location of the window in the x space when the function is not used interactively (panel = FALSE).


the radius of the window in the x space when the function is not used interactively.,

the colour and line width of the circle used to define the window in the x space.


a logical value which determines whether the mouse can be used to interact with the x plot to create a plot of y against z for a nominated neighbourhood.


a logical value which determines the initial state of the checkbox determining whether a plot of y against z for a nominated neighbourhood remains in place after the mouse has been released.


the initial value of the group factor. This defaults to the first level.

an optional character value giving a name to the group variable.


a logical value which determines whether the x plot is constructed by using the eqscplot function in the MASS package, so that the same distances on each axis represent the same changes in the corresponding axis variables.


a character variable controlling whether a histogram or a density estimate (using the lattice package) is produced when y is a factor or absent and a location plot is requested by clicking the mouse on the plot of x.


The colour black should be avoided when using a normal window shape for z. This is because hsv shading is used to indicate increasing distance from the current z location and black has an hsv representation with s component 0, which cannot therefore be reduced further.


Nothing is returned.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 
# The quakes data

with(quakes, {
  rp.plot4d(cbind(long, lat), depth)
  rp.plot4d(cbind(long, lat), depth, mag)

# SO2 over Europe

with(SO2, {
  location <- cbind(longitude, latitude)

  if (require(mgcv) & require(maps)) {
     location1 <- location[,1]
     location2 <- location[,2]
     model <- gam(logSO2 ~ s(location1, location2, year))
     loc1  <- seq(min(location1), max(location1), length = 30)
     loc2  <- seq(min(location2), max(location2), length = 30)
     yr    <- seq(min(year), max(year), length = 30)
     newdata <- expand.grid(loc1, loc2, yr)
     names(newdata) <- c("location1", "location2", "year")
     model <- predict(model, newdata)
     model <- list(x = cbind(loc1, loc2), z = yr,
                   y = array(model, dim = rep(30, 3)))
     mapxy <- map('world', plot = FALSE,
                  xlim = range(longitude), ylim = range(latitude))
     rp.plot4d(location, year, logSO2, model,
                 col.palette = rev(heat.colors(20)),
                 foreground.plot = function() map(mapxy, add = TRUE))
    rp.plot4d(location, year, logSO2, col.palette = rev(heat.colors(20)))

# Dissolved Oxygen in the River Clyde

with(Clyde, {

  rp.plot4d(cbind(Doy, DO), Station, location.plot = FALSE)
  rp.plot4d(cbind(Station, DO), Doy, location.plot = FALSE)
  rp.plot4d(cbind(Station, Doy), Year, DO)

  # Highlight the data before and after a sewage treatment plant update in 1985
  ind     <- Year >= 80 & Year <= 89 & !(Year == 85)
  year    <- Year[ind] + Doy[ind] / 365
  station <- Station[ind]
  doy     <- Doy[ind]
  do      <- DO[ind]
  group   <- factor(c("after 1985", "before 1985")[1 + 
                  as.numeric(year < 85)])
  rp.plot4d(cbind(doy, do), station, group,
       col.palette = c("red", "green"), location.plot = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

Positioning controls in an rpanel


This function provides demonstrations of the use of the pos argument in functions to create controls.





the type of panel layout to be demonstrated. Valid options are "default", "pack", "place" and "grid".


The various functions to create controls accept a parameter called pos which can be used to specify the layout of the controls. It has various modes of operation and the mode is determined from the type of information provided in the pos argument. The different modes are outlined below.

  • default If pos is not specified, controls are arranged in a column with the most recent added to the bottom. Each control is aligned to the left hand side.

  • pack if pos is set to "left", "right", "top" or "bottom", then the control is set to the left, right, top or bottom edge of the panel. If there is already a control in that position, the new control is placed beside that control, closer to the centre. (This uses Tk's "pack" layout manager.)

  • place If pos is set to a vector of four integer values, these are interpreted as (x, y, width, height) where all dimensions are in pixels. x and y define the co-ordinates in from the left hand side and down from the top respectively. When using this mode of laying out objects, it usually helps to define the size of the panel in rp.control. (This uses Tk's "place" layout manager.)

  • grid This mode provides greater flexibility in layout. The following arguments can be passed to pos in any of the function calls to create controls. Alternatively, pos can be passed a list which has these named components.

    • columnAn integer which specifies the column number. Columns count from 0. This is a mandatory field for grids.

    • rowAn integer which specifies the row number. Rows count from 0. This is a mandatory field for grids.

    • gridA string which gives the name of the grid the control has to be placed in. This field is optional. If omitted the default grid belonging to the panel is used.

    • columnspanAn integer which specifies how many columns the control should span. Columns are counted to the right from the start column specified by column. This field is optional. If omitted one column is assumed.

    • rowspanAn integer which specifies how many rows the control should span. Rows are counted down from the start row specified by row. This field is optional. If omitted one row is assumed.

    • widthAn integer which specifies the width of the control. For controls with writing (buttons, listboxes etc) this is in characters and for images this is in pixels. This field is optional. If omitted the control is sized horizontally to fill the cell the control is placed within.

    • heightAn integer which specifies the height of the control. For controls with writing (buttons, listboxes etc) this is in characters and for images this is in pixels. This field is optional. If omitted the control is sized vertically to fill the cell the control is placed within.

    • stickyAn string which specifies how the control expands to fill the cell. This is a string with any combination of 'n', 'e', 'w', 's', representing north/east/west/south expansions. An empty string assignment (”) will centre the control. If the argument is not assigned a value then the control is 'w' (west) aligned by default.

    • backgroundSpecifies the background colour of the grid. If left blank this defaults to the operating system's standard background colour.

    (This uses Tk's "grid" layout manager.)

    The "grid" mode of layout should not be mixed with the other modes.

The example below illustrates the use of pos. Try resizing the windows to explore the behaviour.

Interactive power calculations for a two-sample t-test


This function creates a panel which allows the sample size, population means and common standard deviation to be set. The corresponding power curve for a two-sample t-test is displayed in the graphics window.


rp.power(panel = TRUE, panel.plot = TRUE, populations.showing = FALSE,
         ngrid = seq(10, 300), mu1 = 0, mu2 = 1,
         sigma = 1, n = 20, xgrid = seq(- 4, 5, length = 100),
         popdens.lim = 0.7, hscale = 1, vscale = hscale)



a logical value determining whether an interactive panel is created.


a logical value determining whether the plot is placed inside the panel.


a logical value determining whether the populations are initially showing.


a vector which determines the grid a sample sizes used.

mu1, mu2

the initial values of the means of the two populations.


the initial value of the common standard deviation of the two populations.


the initial value of the sample size.


the grid of values over which the populations are plotted.


the upper limit on the population density scale.

hscale, vscale

scaling parameters for the size of the plot.


The population parameters and sample size are controlled by doublebuttons. The sample size refer to the total sample size, assuming two groups of equal size. A checkbox allows plots of the population distributions also to be displayed.


Nothing is returned.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Radiobuttons for a panel


This function adds a set of radiobuttons to the panel. When a radiobutton is pressed, a variable is set and an action function is called.


rp.radiogroup(panel, variable, vals, labels=NULL, initval=vals[1], pos=NULL, 
  action=I, foreground=NULL, background=NULL, font=NULL, 
  parentname=deparse(substitute(panel)), name=paste("radiogroup", .nc(), sep=""), ...)



the panel in which the radiobuttons should appear.


the name of the variable whose values are set by the buttons.


the values attached to the labels for return from the action function. NOTE: for implementation.


the labels for the radiobuttons.


the initial value for the variable (optional). The initial value can also be specified in the call to rp.control.


the layout instructions. Please see the rp.pos example and help for full details.


the label for the group of radiobuttons.


the function which is called when a button is pressed.


colour of the text


colour of the text background


font to be used


this specifies the widget inside which the radiogroup should appear.


name assigned to the listbox, used for disposing of the widget




The function action should take one argument, which should be the panel to which the radiobuttons are attached.

See rp.grid for details of the grid layout system.


If the argument panel is the panelname string, the same string is returned. If the panel object is used, the altered panel is assigned to both the calling level and panel's environment level.


The action function should return the panel. Without this assignment any widgets added or alterations made to panel parameters within the action function will be lost.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also

rp.checkbox, rp.control


## Not run: 
   data.plotfn <- function(panel) {
     if (panel$plot.type == "histogram") 
       if (panel$plot.type == "boxplot")
   panel <- rp.control(x = rnorm(50))
   rp.radiogroup(panel, plot.type, 
       c("histogram", "boxplot", "density estimate"), 
       action = data.plotfn, title = "Plot type")     

## End(Not run)

Graphical display of regression effects (interactive with one or two covariates)


When there are one or two covariates, the function rp.regression creates a panel which controls the model which is fitted to the data and displayed on the plot. In the case of two covariates, a three-dimensional display is created. If a formula or a fitted linear model is passed, then a graphical display of the regression effects is created, irrespective of the number of covariates. The function rp.regression2 is retained simply for compatibility with earlier releases of the package.


rp.regression(x, y, ylab = NA, x1lab = NA, x2lab = NA, xlab = NA, yrange,
                 panel = TRUE, panel.plot = TRUE, hscale = NA, vscale = hscale,
                 model = "None", line.showing = TRUE, residuals.showing = FALSE,
                 size = 3, col)
  rp.regression2(y, x1, x2, ylab  = NA, x1lab = NA, x2lab = NA, 
                 panel = TRUE, model = "None", residuals.showing = FALSE,
                 size = 3, col = "red")



a vector or two column matrix of covariate values, or a formula, or a fitted linear model.


a vector of response values. This is not required if x is a formula or a fitted linear model.

x1, x2

vectors of covariate values.


a character variable used for the response axis label.


a character variable used for the first covariate axis label.


a character variable used for the second covariate axis label.


a character variable used for the first covariate axis label. This is provided for convenience as a more natural argument name when there is only one covariate.


a vector of length 2 giving the range of values for the change in the response when regression effects are plotted in a static display. This applies when x is a formula.


a logical variable which determines whether a panel is created to allow interactive control of the fitted models. This is relevant only to the case of two covariates.


a logical variable which determines whether the plot is placed inside the control panel. This is relevant only to the case of one covariate.

hscale, vscale

scaling parameters for the size of the plot when there is one covariate and panel.plot is set to TRUE. The default values are 1 on Unix platforms and 1.4 on Windows platforms.


a character variable defining the model to be fitted when the function starts. The valid values are "None", the name of the first and second covariates and the combination of these names with an "&". This is relevant only to the case of two covariates.


a logical value determining whether a regression line is shown on the plot when the function starts. This is relevant only to the case of one covariates.


a logical value determining whether the residuals are shown on the plot when the function starts.


the size of the plotted points. This is relevant only to the case of two covariates.


the colour of the plotted points. This is relevant only to the case of two covariates.


In the case of one covariate, the control panel allows a line to be drawn on the plot and its intercept and slope altered interactively. The residuals and the least squares fitted line can be displayed. When the fitted line is displayed, the effects of moving individual points can be viewed by clicking and dragging.

In the case of two covariates, the plot is constructed with the aid of the rgl package for three-dimensional display, through the rpanel function rp.plot3d. This display can be rotated and linear models involving one, two or none of the covariates can be displayed. Residuals can also be superimposed. Static plots, for printing or other purposes can be created by setting the panel argument to FALSE and specifying model and residuals.showing as required.

If x is a formula, then a static plot of the regression effects is created. Each coefficient is scaled by the length of the range of corresponding covariate values, in order to display the regression effects in a manner which allows these to be compared. Density plots are used to indicate the uncertainty involved.


Nothing is returned.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also



## Not run: 
  with(CofE, {
    rp.regression(Employ, Giving)
    rp.regression(cbind(Employ, Attend), Giving)
    rp.regression(Giving ~ Employ + Elect + Attend)

## End(Not run)

Interactive plotting of repeated measurement data


This function creates a panel which controls the display of data which have a repeated measurement structure across time. Groups, means and standard errors can be displayed. Individual profiles can also be inspected.


rp.rmplot(y, id = NA, timept = NA, fac = NA, type = "all", 
                          xlab = NA, ylab = NA, xlabels = NA, add = FALSE,
                          lwd = 1, col = NA, lty = NA, panel = TRUE, 
                          panel.plot = TRUE, hscale = NA, vscale = hscale, ...)



a vector, matrix or dataframe of response data. If y is a matrix or dataframe, the rows should correspond to cases and the columns to the repeated measurements.


when y is a vector, id should contain the identifiers for the individual profiles.


when y is a vector, timept should contain the time value associated with each repeated measurement. When y is a matrix or dataframe timept may identify the values associated with the repeated measurements (columns); in this case the default value is the sequence from 1 to the number of repeated measurements.


an optional factor to split the data into groups.


when the function is not running in interactive panel mode, this character variable determines the type of plot produced. It can be set to "all", "mean", "mean+bar" or "band". The last option is applicable only when there are two groups of data.


the x-axis label.


the y-axis label.


labels for the repeated measurements, to be printed on the x-axis.


a logical variable which determines whether the repeated measurements graph is added to an existing plot. This is only appropriate when panel = FALSE.


the width of the lines drawn for each repeated measurements profile.


a vector of colours associated with each of the factor levels in fac.


a vector of linetypes associated with each of the factor levels in fac.


a logical variable controlling whether an interactive panel is created.


a logical parameter which determines whether the plot is placed inside the panel (TRUE) or the standard graphics window (FALSE). If the plot is to be placed inside the panel then the tkrplot library is required.

hscale, vscale

scaling parameters for the size of the plot when panel.plot is set to TRUE. The default values are 1 on Unix platforms and 1.4 on Windows platforms.


further arguments which will be passed to the plot call in the construction of the graph.


This function is designed principally for repeated measurements over time, with common time points for each profile. A set of radiobuttons allows all the individual profiles to be plotted, or summaries in the form of means and two standard errors. A checkbox allows the data to be split into groups identified by the variable fac. When there are only two groups, a band can be displayed to indicate time points at which the distance between the observed means is more than two standard errors of the differences between the means.


Nothing is returned.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 
   LH    <- luthor[,2:16]
   gp    <- factor(luthor[,1])
   times <- c(1:5,(5+(1:10)/2))
   rp.rmplot(log(LH), fac = gp, timept = times)

## End(Not run)

Interactive demonstration of sampling variation


Plots sample from a normal distribution to illustrate the variation which results. The population mean and the range of mean +/- 2 standard deviations can be superimposed, in the latter case to demonstrate that nearly all the data lie within this range. The position of the sample mean can also be indicated in a separate plot where the mean and +/- 2 standard errors can be superimposed.


rp.sample(mu = 0, sigma = 1, n = 25, panel.plot = TRUE, hscale = NA, vscale = hscale)



the mean of the normal distribution.


the standard deviation of the normal distribution.


the size of the sample.


a logical parameter which determines whether the plot is placed inside the panel (TRUE) or the standard graphics window (FALSE). If the plot is to be placed inside the panel then the tkrplot library is required.

hscale, vscale

scaling parameters for the size of the plot when panel is set to TRUE. The default values are 1 on Unix platforms and 1.4 on Windows platforms.


The visual effect of the animation is assisted by holding the axes constant. This means that there may occasionally be observations outside the displayed horizontal range, or a histogram height which exceeds the displayed vertical range. In both these cases, the existence of the unseen data is signalled by red lines in the appropriate positions.


Nothing is returned.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Screen resolution


This returns the current screen resolution as a list with two components; width and height.






One use of this function is to identify the size of the screen so that panels can be constructed top match this using pixel co-ordinates. However, the grid layout system is likely to be a better option in general. See rp.grid for details of this.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also


Slider for an rpanel


Add a slider (or slider group) to the panel, to graphically control a numeric variable.


rp.slider(panel, variable, from, to, action=I, labels=NULL, names=NULL, title=NULL,
  log=rep(FALSE, length(from)), showvalue=FALSE, showvaluewidth=4, resolution=0,
  initval=from, pos=NULL, 
  horizontal=TRUE, foreground=NULL, background=NULL, font=NULL, 
  parentname=deparse(substitute(panel)), name=paste("slider", .nc(), sep=""), ...) 
rp.slider.change(panel, name, value, i=1, do=TRUE)



the panel in which the slider appears.


the name of the variable that the slider controls.


the lower limit of the range of values to which the slider can be set.


the upper limit of the range of values to which the slider can be set.


the function which is called when the slider is moved.


displayed labels


the names of the elements of variable, for reference by action functions.


the label of the slider.


a logical variable which controls whether the scale of the slider is logarithmic.


a logical variable which determines whether the present value of "var" is shown. This is forced to FALSE when log is TRUE.


the number of significant digits in the shown value


the resolution of the slider scale. If > 0, all values are rounded to an even multiple of this value. The default is 0.


the initial value of var (optional). The initial value can also be specified in the call to rp.control.


the layout instructions. Please see the rp.pos example and help for full details.


a logical variable determining whether the slider is displayed horizontally (or vertically).


colour of the text


colour of the text background


font to be used


this specifies the widget inside which the slider should appear.


name assigned to the slider, used for disposing of the widget




new value for the slider


which slider to alter


whether to call the action event


The function action should take one argument, which should be the panel to which the slider is attached.

See rp.grid for details of the grid layout system.


The action function should return the panel. Without this assignment any widgets added or alterations made to panel parameters within the action function will be lost.

Note that setting log=TRUE and showvalue=TRUE is not allowed. The slider value shown would be incorrect (it wouldn't be the log value) and so showvalue is over-ridden and set to FALSE. A new widget rp.label is under development which would be used in these circumstances.


New for version 2.0 is support for multiple sliders in a group. See demo(rp.slider).


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also



## Not run: 
density.draw <- function(panel) {
   plot(density(panel$x, bw = panel$h))
panel <- rp.control(x = rnorm(50))
rp.slider(panel, h, 0.5, 5, log = TRUE, action = density.draw)
printer <- function(panel) {
panel <- rp.control(x = rnorm(50), h=c(1,2,3))
rp.slider(panel, h, c(0.5,0.5,0.5), c(5,5,5),
  log = c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE), action = printer,
  title=c('h','h1','h2'), initval=c(1,2,3))
# An example which changes the slider position through another widget
draw <- function(panel) {
  abline(v=panel$v, col="red", lty=2)

redraw <- function(panel) {
  rp.tkrreplot(panel, plot)

redraw1 <- function(panel) {
  rp.tkrreplot(panel, plot)
  rp.slider.change(panel, "slider", panel$v)

x <- rnorm(25)
panel <- rp.control(v = 0, x = x)
rp.tkrplot(panel, plot, draw, pos="right")
rp.slider(panel, v, min(x), max(x), redraw, name = "slider")
rp.doublebutton(panel, v, diff(range(x))/100, action=redraw1)

## End(Not run)

Interactive visualisation of a surface and its uncertainty


This function plots a surface and uses interactive interrogation by the mouse, or a sequence of animations, to indicate the uncertainty in the surface as an estimate of the true surface.


rp.surface(surface, covariance, x1grid, x2grid, x, y, Display = "persp",
                       hscale = 1, vscale = hscale, panel = TRUE,
                       Speed = 5, ntime = 10, ninterp = 50,
                       zlim = NULL, col.palette = topo.colors(100), coords = rep(NA, 2))



a matrix of estimated surface values over a regular grid.


the covariance matrix for the estimates in surface, corresponding to the estimates in vector form c(surface).

x1grid, x2grid

vectors defining the regular grids over each margin of surface.


an optional two-column matrix of observed covariate values.


an optional vector of response values.


a character value which determines the initial type of surface plot. Options are "image" (the default) and "persp".

hscale, vscale

scaling parameters for the size of the plot.


a logical variable which determines whether a panel is created to allow interactive control.


this determines the initial value of the speed of animations by setting the value of the sleep time (in hundredths of a second, with an offset of 2) between displayed surfaces.


the number of interpolated surfaces displayed between successive simulated surfaces, to control the smoothness of the animation.


the number of grid values in each dimension when constructing a surface for the "image" display option. This is used because the input grid of surface may have quite low resolution which produces a rather chunky image display. A finer grid is constructed if the interp package is available.


a vector of length two which defines the range of plotting on the surface scale. By default, zlim is determined by the range of surface plus and minus three standard deviations (available from covar).


the colour palette used to paint the surface. The colours are determined simply by the height of the surface.


a vector of length two which defines the location where the uncertainty in the surface is examined, through the construction of a variability interval. This applies when panel = FALSE and Display = "image".


The interactive controls allow the surface to be plotted using image or persp displays, and with the display of uncertainty through mouse click and drag on the image plot or animation.


Nothing is returned.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 
if (require(sm)) {
   with(trawl, {
      location  <- cbind(Longitude, Latitude)
      model     <- sm.regression(location, Score1, ngrid = 15, display = "none")
      longitude <- model$eval.points[ , 1]
      latitude  <- model$eval.points[ , 2]
      xgrid     <- as.matrix(expand.grid(longitude, latitude))
      S         <- sm.weight2(location, xgrid, model$h)
      covar     <- tcrossprod(S) * model$sigma^2
      rp.surface(model$estimate, covar, longitude, latitude, location, Score1)
## End(Not run)

Interactive statistical tables


This function launches a panel which allows standard normal, t, chi-squared and F distributions to be plotted, with interactive control of parameters, tail probability and p-value calculations.


rp.tables(panel = TRUE, panel.plot = TRUE, hscale = NA, vscale = hscale,
            distribution = "normal", degf1 = 5, degf2 = 30,
            observed.value = " ", observed.value.showing = !,
            probability = 0.05, tail.probability, tail.direction, heading)



a logical parameter which determines whether interactive controls are provided or a simple static plot is produced.


a logical parameter which determines whether the plot is placed inside the panel (TRUE) or the standard graphics window (FALSE). If the plot is to be placed inside the panel then the tkrplot package is required.

hscale, vscale

horizontal and vertical scaling factors for the size of the plot when panel.plot is set to TRUE. It can be useful to adjust these for projection on a screen, for example. The default values are 1 on Unix platforms and 1.4 on Windows platforms.


a character string which determines which distribution is to be plotted. Current options are "normal" (default), "t", "chi-squared" and "F".

degf1, degf2

The degrees of freedom used for the chi-squared (degf1) and F (degf1, degf2) distributions.


a numerical value, or a character string which will be converted by as.numeric, which identifies an observed value whose location within the distribution is of interest.


a logical value which determines whether the observed value (if any) is displayed on the plot.


the value of the tail probability used when tail area is shaded.


a character string which determines whether the tail area is drawn from the observed value ("from observed value"), using a fixed probability ("fixed probability") or not shown ("none").


a character string which determines whether the lower ("lower"), upper ("upper") or two-sided ("two-sided") tail area is drawn.


a character string which will appear as a heading of the plot. If this is missing, a heading based on the selected distribution will be created.


The panel contains radiobuttons to select the standard normal, t, chi-squared or F distributions. Doublebuttons are available to control the degrees of freedom. An observed value can be added to the plot, with optional determination of the corresponding p-value. Alternatively, shaded areas corresponding to tail probabilities of specified value can be displayed.


Nothing is returned.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Text boxes for a panel


This function adds one or more boxes which allow text to be entered.


rp.text(panel, text, pos=NULL, action=I, foreground=NULL, background=NULL,
        font=NULL, width=NULL, parentname=deparse(substitute(panel)),
        name = paste("text", .nc(), sep=""), ...)   
rp.text.change(panel, name, text)



the panel on which the text should appear.


the text to be displayed


the layout instructions. Please see the rp.pos example and help for full details.


the function which is called when the text has been entered.


colour of the text


colour of the text background


font to be used


character width of the textboxes


this specifies the widget inside which the text entry widget should appear.


name assigned to the textentries; used for disposal etc




The function action should take one argument, which should be the panel to which the text box is attached.

See rp.grid for details of the grid layout system.


The action function should return the panel. Without this assignment any widgets added or alterations made to panel parameters within the action function will be lost.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also



## Not run: 
panel <- rp.control(x=1)
callback <- function(panel)
  rp.text.change(panel, "t2", panel$x)
  panel$x = panel$x+1
rp.text(panel, "This is a test", name="t1")
rp.text(panel ,"And so is this", font="Arial", foreground="white",
        background="navy", action=callback, name="t2")
rp.text(panel,"Here is some more text, this time across several lines.\n
               Here is some more text, this time across several lines.\n
               Here is some more text, this time across several lines.", name="t3")

## End(Not run)

Text entry boxes for a panel


This function adds one or more boxes which allow text to be entered.


rp.textentry(panel, variable, action = I, labels = NULL, names = labels, 
  title = NULL, initval = rep(NA, length(labels)), pos = NULL, 
  foreground = NULL, background = NULL, font = NULL, width = 20, keydown = FALSE, 
  parentname = deparse(substitute(panel)), name = paste("textentry", .nc(), sep=""), ...)



the panel in which the text entry box(es) should appear. This may be passed as a panelname string or the panel object itself.


the name of the variable which will be assigned the text entered into the box(es).


the function which is called when the text has been entered.


a character string of labels for the text entry boxes.


a character string of the names of the elements of variable which can be referred to within action functions.


title above multiple textentries


the initial value(s) for var (optional). The initial value(s) can also be specified in the call to rp.control.


the layout instructions. Please see the rp.pos example and help for full details.


colour of the text


colour of the text background


font to be used


character width of the textboxes


if TRUE the action function will be called on every key press - this may not be wise


this specifies the widget inside which the text entry widget should appear. In the current version, it should not normally be used.


name assigned to the textentries; used for disposal etc




The function action should take one argument, which should be the panel to which the text entry box is attached.

See rp.grid for details of the grid layout system.


If the argument panel is set to the panelname string, the same string is returned. If the panel object is used, the altered panel is assigned to both the calling level and panel's environment level.


The action function should return the panel. Without this assignment any widgets added or alterations made to panel parameters within the action function will be lost.


The former arguments names, title and parent have been discontinued in version 1.1. Note also that the argument var has been renamed variable to avoid reserved word issues.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also



## Not run: 
   plotf <- function(panel) {
      with(panel, {
		 pars   <- as.numeric(pars)
         xgrid <- seq(0.1, max(c(pars[3], 5), na.rm = TRUE), length = 50)
         dgrid <- df(xgrid, pars[1], pars[2])
         plot(xgrid, dgrid, type = "l", col = "blue", lwd = 3)
         if (![3])) {
            lines(rep(pars[3], 2), c(0, 0.95 * max(dgrid)), lty = 2, col = "red")
            text(pars[3], max(dgrid), as.character(pars[3]), col = "red")

   panel <- rp.control(pars = c(5, 10, NA))
   rp.textentry(panel, pars, plotf, labels = c("df1", "df2", "observed"),
          initval = c(10, 5, 3)), plotf)

## End(Not run)

Creates a series of timed actions


This creates an interval timer and allows the user to set the criteria to stop the timer.


rp.timer(panel, microseconds, action, where)



the panel which has some relevant variables.


time between each call of action.


function to be executed on each timer tick.


a function which should return true or false, taking parameter panel. When false the loop will stop.


This allows the user to setup an interval timer and the function to be called at each 'tick'.

Care should be taken when writing code to anticipate interactions with the panel while activity controlled by a timer is underway, as these interactions may cause changes in the state of the panel.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also



## Not run: 
  stopme <- function(panel) panel$count<=20
  callme <- function(panel) {
    panel$count = panel$count+1
  panel <- rp.control(count=1)
  rp.timer(panel, 500, callme, stopme)

## End(Not run)

rpanel calls for tkrplot and tkrreplot


These functions call Luke Tierney's tkrplot and tkrreplot functions from the tkrplot package to allow R graphics to be displayed in a panel.


rp.tkrplot(panel, name, plotfun, action=NA,  mousedrag=NA, mouseup=NA, hscale=1, 
           vscale=1, pos=NULL, foreground=NULL, background=NULL, margins=c(0, 0, 0, 0),
           parentname=deparse(substitute(panel)), mar= par()$mar, ...)
rp.tkrreplot(panel, name)



the panel in which the plot should appear. This may be passed as a panelname string or the panel object itself.


the name of the plot. This is subsequently used in tkrreplot to specify the plot to be redrawn.


the function used to create the plot.


the function called when the plot is clicked.


the function called when the mouse is dragged.


the function called when the mouse is released.


horizontal scaling factor to control the width of the plot.


vertical scaling factor to control the height of the plot.


the layout instructions. Please see the rp.pos example and help for full details.


the colour used for the background of the plot.


the filename of a transparent gif file. This will be overlaid on the tkrplot image after plotting takes place.


an integer vector of length 4 giving the margin sizes, in pixels and in the usual order, for the placing of the foreground image.


this specifies the widget inside which the plot should appear. In the current version of rpanel, it should not normally be used.


mar parameter for specifying the margins.




The function action should take one argument, which should be the panel to which the tkrplot is attached.

See rp.grid for details of the grid layout system.


If the argument panel is set to the panelname string, the same string is returned. If the panel object is used, the altered panel is assigned to both the calling level and panel's environment level.


The action function should return the panel. Without this assignment any widgets added or alterations made to panel parameters within the action function will be lost.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also



## Not run: 
   draw <- function(panel) {
      plot(1:20, (1:20)^panel$h)
   redraw <- function(panel) {
      rp.tkrreplot(panel, tkrp)

   rpplot <- rp.control(title = "Demonstration of rp.tkrplot", h = 1)
   rp.tkrplot(rpplot, tkrp, draw)
   rp.slider(rpplot, h, action = redraw, from = 0.05, to = 2.00, resolution = 0.05)

## End(Not run)

Retrieves an object from the rpanel environment, usually from a panel.


The management of objects within the rpanel environment is usually handled ‘behind the scenes’ but it can occasionally be useful to retrieve an object there explicitly.


rp.var.get(panelname, name)



the panelname of the relevant panel. This is usually identified as panel$panelname. If this argument is set to NULL then the object is not retrieved from a panel.


the name of the variable in character form.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also


Places an object in the rpanel environment, usually within a panel.


The management of objects within the rpanel environment is usually handled ‘behind the scenes’ but it can occasionally be useful to place an object there explicitly.


rp.var.put(panelname, name, val, labels = NULL)



the panelname of the relevant panel. This is usually identified as panel$panelname. If this argument is set to NULL then the object is not placed inside a panel.


the name of the variable.


the contents of the variable as a numeric or character vector.


labels for var.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also


Removes a widget


This will dispose/remove a widget from a panel.


rp.widget.dispose(panel, name)



the panel on which the text should disappear.


the name assigned to the widget on creation.


This will dispose of a widget and its memory usage.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.

See Also



## Not run: 
 p1 <- rp.control()
 rp.button(p1, I, "press me", name="b1")
 rp.widget.dispose(p1, "b1")

## End(Not run)

Sulphur dioxide measurements over Europe


The data document values of SO2, on a log scale, from monitoring stations across Europe from 1990 to 2001. The data were collected through the 'European monitoring and evaluation programme' (EMEP) and they are available at The data recorded here have been organised into a convenient form for analysis.

The data file consists of six variables: site: a site code for the monitoring station longitude: longitude of the monitoring station latitude: latitude of the monitoring station year: year of measurement month: month of measurement logSO2: SO2 measurement on a log scale


Spatiotemporal smoothing and sulphur dioxide trends over Europe A. W. Bowman, M. Giannitrapani and E. M. Scott. Applied Statistics, 58 (2009), 737–752


## Not run: 
  Month     <- SO2$month + (SO2$year - 1990) * 12
  Year      <- SO2$year + (SO2$month - 0.5) / 12
  Location  <- cbind(SO2$longitude, SO2$latitude)
  back      <- I
  if (require(maps)) {
  	mapxy <- map('world', plot = FALSE,
              xlim = range(SO2$longitude), ylim = range(SO2$latitude))
      back  <- function() map(mapxy, add = TRUE)
  rp.plot4d(Location, Year, SO2$logSO2, col.palette = rev(heat.colors(12)),
              background.plot = back)

## End(Not run)

Data on CO2 emissions, GDP, life.expectancy and population for the countries of the world between 1960 and 2007


Loading this file makes the dataframes co2.emissions, gdp, life.expectancy and population available. These contain the CO2 emissions, gross domestic product, life expectancy and population data for each country of the world (rows indexed by rownames) for the years 1960-2007.

These data are provided by the World Bank through the database at The data are also used use in the Google Public Data Explorer and by the Gapminder project )

The data are used in the rp.bubbleplot example script.


rpanel: Simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package. Journal of Statistical Software, 17, issue 9.


## Not run: 
   rp.bubbleplot(log(gdp), log(co2.emissions), 1960:2007, size = population, 
      col = life.expectancy,
      interpolate = TRUE, hscale = 1.5, vscale = 1.5)

## End(Not run)